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Returning the Favor: How to Clean a Bidet Toilet Seat and Nozzle

Posted by Steve Scheer on Sep 25th 2018

How to clean a bidet toilet seat and nozzle?

Many first-time and even veteran bidet users have questions about how to clean a bidet toilet seat or how to clean a bidet nozzle. We understand bidet fans hold cleanliness to a higher standard, not only in their bathroom routines but also in the care and maintenance they apply to the healthy home products they use every day. In today’s bidet market, there are so many different kinds of products, features, improvements, and options. With these advances come more tech, more moving parts, and more concerns about care and maintenance.

Luckily, when it comes to cleaning your bidet seat and nozzle, many of these same technologic advances make it quicker and easier than ever before. After all, these modern marvels of bathroom hygiene were designed to clean you, not so much the other way around. For the small amount of upkeep you may find yourself engaged in, we’ve got some quick and not-so-dirty tips to help keep both you and your bidet fresh, clean, and happy.

Closeup of how to clean the bidet nozzle

Neat nozzles

Perhaps the most important and hardworking component of any bidet is the nozzle. This is the thin, appendage-like probe that juts beneath you and does all the dirty work after you’re finished with your own. Nozzles vary widely across different makes and models of bidet seats and attachments. They range from your everyday fixed plastic sprayers to some of the most advanced, totally customizable, stainless steel tubes ever conceived for personal hygiene. Many advanced bidet seats and luxury bidet seats even feature a pair of nozzles with different functions for feminine and posterior washing.

Since these little dookie pipes are working in such close proximity to your most delicate and, dare we say, coveted areas, it’s obviously very important to keep them as clean as the little water whistles they are. With Brondell’s Swash bidets seats, this couldn’t be easier. All six models come standard with self-cleaning nozzles, and five of them include antibacterial, corrosion-resistant stainless steel nozzle construction.

If you do want that extra DIY level of sterilization though, it’s very simple to press the Nozzle Cleaning button on the Auxiliary Control panel on the side of your SWASH seat. Different models have different cleaning features outlined in their respective owner’s manuals, but in all cases using a soft cloth or toothbrush with a gentle home cleaning product like dish soap should do the trick. If the nozzle becomes clogged, you could also use a toothpick. Just know that you’ll have designated that toothpick and/or toothbrush strictly to Swash duty from then on – but you knew that…

With bidet attachment nozzles, Brondell also equips each model with the ability to self-clean. Since attachments don’t have the extra nozzle holstering room or electricity for nanoparticle silver oxide self-sterilization like the advanced and luxury Swash models, you may want to give them a once-over from time to time. Attachments also feature antibacterial plastic nozzles across all models, so sometimes that extra bit of cleaning may be beneficial to the overall hygiene and lifespan of the product. Cleaning these nozzles is as simple as pulling them down and, again, giving them a gentle scrub with a soft cloth or toothbrush. If it needs a more thorough cleaning or there’s something lodged in a crevice, you could even unscrew the nozzle tip for a spotless clean – just don’t drop it in the toilet! 

Seat scrubbing

Cleaning the bidet itself couldn’t be easier. If your SWASH seat or bidet toilet attachment starts looking a little worse for the wear, all you need is a sponge and a mild cleaner like Simple Green or Windex. Harsh, abrasive cleaning products like thinner, benzene, acidic chemicals, chloride, or hydrochloric acid detergent could corrode metal parts and discolor or scratch your beautiful bidet. Save these chemicals for heavy-duty jobs like construction site port-o-johns or the Playboy Mansion grotto.

If you really want to return the favor to your Swash and give it the same thorough front-and-back clean it provides you, you can easily remove it from the base of your toilet by pressing the Quick Release button on the side of your Swash and sliding it forward off of the mounting plate. This will allow you to get after those tough-to-reach areas and have your seat looking factory fresh.

Since many Swash models include seat warmers, it’s important to be cautious of any home or beauty products left on the seat such as hairsprays, lotions, tanning products, or oils. With the heater turned on, these products could become so warm and cozy they may just stick around in the form of unwanted stains!

Cleaning product to use on your bidet toilet seat

Freshen Filters

Many Swash models come fitted with a mesh filter between the plumbing and nozzle. These filters may need cleaning about once a year just so there’s no excess particulate matter, grit, or build-up keeping your Swash from running at its full potential. Cleaning these filters is a breeze! All you need to do is unplug the Swash and turn off the water supply, disconnect the Swash from the toilet with the Quick Release button, then disconnect the bidet hose and remove the mesh filter with a pair of tweezers or needle-nosed pliers. These filters can be easily scrubbed back to perfection with that same bidet-purposed toothbrush and a little warm water. After you’ve got the filter looking like new again, simply place it back inside the water inlet, make sure it’s installed correctly, reconnect the bidet hose, and put the seat back on the toilet. Remember, always consult your owner’s manual before doing any cleaning or maintenance to your Swash. All bidets are not built the same and there may be specific instructions for different seats!


Once you’ve got your bidet looking and functioning like a showroom spa, you owe it to yourself to sit down, relax, and let it take over the cleaning duties. You’ll find that keeping these household must-haves clean is not only easy but beneficial to the bathroom experience you have definitely grown to love.