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Introducing the Swash 1400 Luxury Bidet Seat: Our Top Five New Features!

Posted by Parker Benthin on Apr 26th 2017

It’s been over six years since the Swash 1000, the last generation of our award-winning line of electronic bidet toilet seats, was released. During that time, Brondell has been compiling suggestions and reviews to further enhance the bidet seat our customers already know and love to create the most advanced, luxurious bathroom experience possible. Two years of development, design, and testing has created our best bidet seat ever: the  Brondell Swash 1400.

No bidet seat would be worth its weight without a LONG list of features, but here are our Top 5 favorite new features of the Swash 1400:

1. Illuminating Nightlight

Sorely missed by users of the Swash 800, the popular nightlight is BACK! One of the most-requested features mentioned by our customers, the nightlight illuminates your toilet bowl with a cool blue light so you can avoid the shock of glaring lights during your midnight bathroom break!

Bidet toilet seat with illuminating night light feature on

2. One-Touch Auto Mode

Requested by caregivers looking for a one-touch solution, the user initiates a 90-second wash cycle followed by a two-minute dry cycle simply by pressing the “AUTO” button on the remote control. This feature also takes all the guesswork out of using a bidet seat, while still allowing for setting adjustment if desired – we all know what it’s like trying to walk an apprehensive house guest through all those remote control functions.

3. Sleek Design

We updated the entire shape for the modern American bathroom. We trimmed down the width of our bidet seat one full inch to reduce overhang and contoured the lid with a more enhanced bevel to give it a modern and refined appearance. To conceal the power and water connections, we carved out a hidden pocket at the rear of the seat and include a new, thinner elbow hose with every purchase. Not to be outdone, the remote control also had a makeover – its form factor is slimmer, rounder, and more elegant.

4. Extended Nozzle Positioning

Each of the two stainless-steel nozzles have seven (7!) positions available. Specifically at the request of our female users, the “front” nozzle of the Swash 1400 extends even farther forward than the older Swash 1000 model, reducing the amount of body repositioning required when changing nozzles. In combination with the additional seat and water temperature settings, your customization options are endless!

Bidet toilet seat extended nozzle positioning

5. Two Programmable User Settings

He likes it cold. She likes it hot. Never argue about bidet water temperature and pressure again when you use the two user settings now available on the remote. Each user simply programs their favorite temperature, pressure, position, spray width, and oscillation preferences for one or both nozzles and the bidet does the rest. We particularly love these buttons for that pre-coffee Monday morning fog!

Want to know more?

Check out the video below for a guided tour of the new Swash 1400, or visit the  Swash 1400 page.